“The Fur Destroyer” – Fur Removal Brush Comb For Pets
Reduces Shedding By Up To 90% In Only 10 Minutes- which is coupled with a subtle light thinning, So you don’t have to worry about unsightly hair or fur all over your house, furniture or car. Not to mention the amount of MONEY you’ll SAVE with your Vet or Pet Groomer! So well- priced you can keep one in the house and one in the car.
EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY 4 inch, Strong, Stainless Steel Comb, With Safe Blade Cover that protects the blades life span after you use it each time.
STRONG Robust handle that simply will not break. You won’t be running back to us to buy another Deshedding & Light Trimming Tool All The Time.
GENTLE on your dog’s skin and suitable for pets with single and double coats, brushing will leave your pet with healthy skin and a shiny coat. Did you know that animal dander is a leading cause of indoor allergies?
KEEP ALLERGIES AT BAY with regular brushing of your furry companion you will reduce the likelihood and impact of allergic reactions in your home.
Be amazed at the results of both Cat Brush and Dog Brush for ALL SHAPES & SIZES – Small, Medium & Large – Cats and Dogs that have short, medium and long hair.
Size S – 5cm
Size M 6.6cm
Size L 10cm
Looking for other deshedding tools? Try our Fur Master here!
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